Why is a Book Series like a Ketubah?

Why is a Book Series like a Ketubah?

Signing a ketubah, a Jewish marriage contract

I’m not going to bore you by telling you what love is (even if you want me to show you), because we live in a society inundated with the message that it should pretty much be your number one goal in life to have that. Because of that, of course, there are a gazillion and one different websites, magazines, seminars, etc., all dedicated to telling you how to do love right. And in my extensive research on the subject and massive amounts of flawless romantic experience, the vast majority seem to agree on four key requirements for a significant relationship:

  1. Communication.
  2. Honesty.
  3. Trust.
  4. Respect.

Pretty straightforward, right? You let your partner know what you’re feeling, you don’t lie, you trust them not to lie, and you treat them like a human being. There’s a reason that these things are the consensus on making relationships work.

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